The Chinese have a great tradition of cultivating

The Chinese have a great tradition of cultivating, processing, preparing and drinking tea. For the Chinese, tea is what good wine is for us.

In China there are tea varieties ranging from 100 euros per kilo and up to 1000 euros per kilo. If we want to get to know the Chinese culture then we have to let the preparation and drinking of ​​tea come into our lives.入乡随俗 (ru xiang-sui su) is the cliche used by the Chinese when they want to say that when traveling or migrating to a place we have to be in the habits of the natives. The whole process of drinking tea calms our soul and our spirit and makes us nobler by offering our scent of culture.

In addition to the pleasant taste, Chinese tea has numerous therapeutic and beneficial properties. The peculiarity of Chinese tea is that there are species that as old as its property as a medicine is growing. During my last trip to China, the seller who supplies teas reported that in Chinese traditional medicine the doctor is prescribing 20-year tea that actually works as a medicine. Here's the next chinese saying that tea when it's one year old is just tea when it's three years old it's a medicine and when it's seven years old it's crunching.

All the teas that we have for sale in our store we personally choose and we bring them to Greece. We have built a cultural bridge between China and Greece, and we also wish you to discover the equally ancient and great culture like our own civilization, the Greek civilization.